Tuesday, January 14, 2020

-About This Site-

First of all, thank you for visiting the site! Check back often for updates and new posts.

Statement of Purpose:

This site is dedicated to the Great Basin and all those who care about it. If it is any one thing, it is a work in progress which I hope will spur interest and admiration of the Great Basin, Nevada, and all the folks who cherish these places enough to let it influence and change the way they live.

How to use this site:

Yes, this is a blog, but I have done my best to make it appear and function like a regular website. On the right side of the screen you will find categories of posts. These categories are: Introduction, Journal, Photo Album, Links, and Archive.

Below each category are links to individual posts or collections of posts. Click on any one of these to navigate to the post.

Take action!

After you muse through the writings and pictures and say "WOW, Nevada ROCKS", please visit the links provided (especially Environmental Defense Action Center) and write to your legislators about current issues facing the west. It works, and if enough people do it, it gets the job done.


Pass this site on to anyone you think will enjoy it, and also pass on your stories, articles, photos, comments and all other digital manifestations of the splendor that is the Great Basin to me and I will post them under your name!

Thank you, and enjoy!

All photos and writings by Eco-O unless otherwise noted.